(852) 8101 2339

"Kid-IT Easy Writing"

“Kid-IT Easy Writing” enables children to learn writing Chinese in a fun way.  Children can also learn how to speak Mandarin and Cantonese throughout the intelligent hand-writing system.

Explore the new system integrated on different platforms where you can always live and learn Chinese on your mobile devices and computers. 

Chinese, a language with long history and the significance in usage is growing day by day. Learning Chinese has never been easy to non-native speaker but the hassle of difficulty has ended with our innovative and interactive learning and writing system. 

For parents, this is a good interactive learning platform to enjoy the fun of learning with your children.

You can choose the language including English, Cantonese or Mandarin before the practice starts for a briefing with interactive animation to introduce the Chinese characters. Ensuring user can learn how to write and speak is the ultimate goal of our system. 

Multi-Platforms supported with the market leading mobile technology such as Apple iPhone, Google Android and Microsoft Windows with their touch screen that you can practice how to write and speak Chinese at any time.