
Training Workshop on “Kid-IT Net Security”

It seems that most children in today's world are using computers or laptops, and the trend should only continue as computers become more reasonably price and increasingly important in our society.  The biggest concern of parents is the safety of children while surfing on the Internet.  Kid-IT has hosted training workshops to the community children for internet security free of charge.  Through the workshop, the children can learn how to protect themselves in the virtual society and enjoy the internet with fun.

Full Day Conference on “10 Tips to Improve Parental Relationship” 

Just like with any relationship, building a positive relationship between parents and children is one that requires time, work and effort to make it strong and successful. Parenting is a tough job, and maintaining close relationship and open communication help to ensure parents and their children stay connected through all ages of their upbringing. Kid-IT has held a full day conference with over 100 parents attending for 10 simple tips to enhance the bond between parents and children.  The conference has been divided into 10 different workgroups and discussed the following tips including: 

  • Say I Love You
  • Teach Your Faith
  • Establish A Special Name Or Code Word
  • Develop And Maintain A Special Bedtime Ritual
  • Let Your Children Help You
  • Play With Your Children
  • Eat Meals As A Family
  • Seek Out One-On-One Opportunities Often
  • Respect Their Choices
  • Make Them A Priority In Your Life

Participation at BookFest @ Hong Kong 2010

Date: 23 December 2010 – 30 December 2010 

Kid-IT has participated in BookFest @ Hong Kong 2010 “Read to Empower” exhibition at Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Center, which organized by Popular Book Store. During the exhibition, Kid-IT has shown “Eye on You” solution to the public and taken the opportunities to demonstrate “Easy Writing” solution as well.  This new “Easy Writing” solution has offered free trial run for those who have registered as Yellow Bus membership during the BookFest!