(852) 8101 2339

“Kid IT Feel the World”
The Curriculum Series for Excellence Passport Program

“Kid-IT Feel the World” - The Curriculum Series for Excellence Passport Program, offers the opportunities for all kids to enjoy learning through different games, interactive activities and the application of latest Information Technology.  Such experiences inspire passion and motivate our children to be the successful learners to develop themselves as healthy, confident, enterprising and responsible citizens.   

The core values of “Kid-IT Feel the World” - The Curriculum Series for Excellence Passport Program echoes the key concepts of activity learning: challenge, enjoyment, communication, well-development of an individual comprehensively and an adventurous approach to learning.  It also enhances the public awareness and environmental education.  Through the latest Information Technology, the outdoor learning becomes more interactive and fun.  Explore how your kids can enjoy and how joyful this innovative learning with Kid-IT.