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The “Eye on You” service allows you to capture every precious moment of your child’s life

All parents enjoy spending every minute with their child and cherish all the precious moments! However, many parents in Hong Kong are busy with their career, and when they have to work overseas, they do not have much time to spend with their little ones. In this issue, a young couple, Wallace and Sherie, share their story with us. Let’s see how the “Eye on You” service changed their lives!

Wallace is working at an international trading company. In order to support his company’s growth, he has travelled and stayed in India since a few months ago so he doesn’t have much of a chance to see his son Jeff. “When I learned that the “Eye on You” service is equipped with an instant viewing feature, I applied immediately. Now, whether I am in Hong Kong or India, I can still see Sherie and Jeff via “Eye on You”. We also use the service to record images, so we now have a lovely collection of Jeff’s videos.”

Being a full-time mother, Sherie can also enjoy the “Eye on You” service, “When our domestic helper was on her annual leave, we arranged for a temporary replacement to take care of Jeff. Thus, I made use of the “Eye on You” service to see if Jeff was well-behaved and most importantly, I was able to keep an eye on everything in my home.” Sherie said laughingly. With the help of “Eye on You”, her mind was put at ease! “Eye on You” even provides professional technicians to demonstrate how to use the service free of charge, so parents no longer have to worry about any technical issues.

“Eye on You” 24-hour face to face system

Nowadays, distance between people is no longer subject to geographical restrictions. The same applies to you and your child. With the “Eye on You” service, you can see your child via your mobile phone or laptop. There is no monthly charge, no contract signing and no fixed mobile plan required for the service. The package comes with one year of complimentary maintenance, an enquiry hotline service, and a maximum of five concurrent devices can be used to receive images at the same time. Be sure to share your joy with friends and family!


The above sources are from Yellow Bus Light Issue 20
